Play Motus

Play Motus
Play Motus is an adaptation of the famous TV game of letters and words. The objective in Play Motus is to find a word knowing only the first letter.

A bit like in a mastermind for each answer proposed the letters of the word will be:
- red if the letter is present in the word to find and placed in the right place
- yellow if the letter is present in the word to find but misplaced
- black if the letter is not in the word
Play motus offers 3 game modes:
- classic game mode: find 10 words as quickly as possible
- game mode against the clock: find as many words as possible during a defined period of time
- survival mode: play until you lose.
- training mode: without time, possibility to change the parameters during the game

Playmotus offers many options:
- Words can be between 5 and 12 letters in the game.
- 3 levels of difficulty: easy, medium and difficult
- Play with the second or first letter of the word
- Different keyboards
- index keyboard

The Playmotus game is totally free but has ads.
Play Motus , app available on Play Store and App Store edited by Robin DREUX
Price :FreeFree
Ratings :
175 reviews

7 reviews
Release date :12/02/202211/01/2017
Last update :13/07/202423/08/2024
In-app purchases :YesYes
Subscription :NoNo
Minimum System Requirements :5.0 (Android Lollipop)iOS/iPadOS 14.0
Keywords :
  • Word
  • Jeux
  • Mots
  • Casse-tête
Download the app Play Motus  sur Play Store (Android)Download the app Play Motus  sur App Store (iOS)
Play Motus  - Screenshot No.1
Play Motus  - Screenshot No.2
Play Motus  - Screenshot No.3
Play Motus  - Screenshot No.4
Play Motus  - Screenshot No.5
Play Motus  - Screenshot No.6
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